Wednesday, 21 July 2010


For years now I've had recurring dreams around the theme of flying. They happen so regularly they're becoming difficult to ignore, and even within the dreams I sometimes get the feeling they are way beyond subtle hints and are definitely trying to get something through to me.

The one I've had lately that especially gave me that feeling was about taxiing for so long I went off the runway and down a street between buildings and round a roundabout with the normal road traffic. The feeling around that one was, 'how obvious does this have to be for you to get it?'

Previous to that there was a very vivid one where I was coming in to land and found the ground a scene of devastation with whole sections of the runway broken and up-ended at sharp angles. It was obvious that the only safe place was up.

Earlier dreams were mostly about skimming over tree tops and buildings, trying to gain height but being unable to.

I'm not flying like a bird with wings in these dreams, and I'm not flying a plane, nor am I a passenger. It's more as if I am the plane. I'm never afraid of crashing, although I have a strong sense of frustration at not being able to gain more height.

It seems clear that I'm telling myself something about not feeling able to reach my potential, but there's more to it than that and I can't quite get a hold of it.

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