Sunday 23 April 2017

A journey

I'm in a car being driven by an older man. When we arrive at our destination it becomes clear that he is confused, sometimes wandering aimlessly and sometimes stopping and staring off into space. Someone shows us photographs and in them I recognise myself but I'm much younger, in my twenties, sitting in an up-market looking restaurant, with a hairstyle I hardly recall. I look confident and a little detached. I look through the photographs with the man, but neither of us make any comment on them. We go out walking and he wants to go onto the beach for the cool breeze but I want to go home, it's starting to get dark. I try to persuade him that it's time to go but I can't make him understand. Later, on the journey home, he stops the car, no longer sure how to continue. I find myself walking home and I think that it will give me the chance to post a parcel, a gift I've been meaning to send, but then I realise I don't have it with me, I must have left it somewhere. The overall feel of the dream is of confusion, loss, disjointedness.