Saturday, 8 March 2025

Holding back again

A dream about S. We are working in the same office and I am finding myself very attracted to him. It is a powerful attraction, including sexually, but not limited to that. It is very hard to resist although I feel that I should. Sometimes after work I spend some time with him at home but I only stay for a short time, always holding back. One day in the office I find it almost overwhelming and so leave the room, heading down a hallway. He follows, embraces me from behind and asks me not to go. I reply that I think I had better go. He asks if I feel it too, I admit that I do and add that it is like trying to resist gravity. I turn around and as we are in each others arms there is a great sense of relief in no longer resisting. I feel like the world recedes and for that moment it is just us together. Then I become more conscious of our situation and say that he should give me a script to read from, so I know what to say to others, that I can't find the right words. 

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