Thursday, 4 November 2021

Another not nightmare

I look in the mirror and my face, especially around the right eye, distorts as if some weird filter is being applied. It's grotesque but the feeling I have is one of interest. I discover that if I move my hands in front of my face in a certain way, without actually touching it, I can guide it back to a normal appearance. (Something about distorted perception?)

Friday, 8 October 2021

P and the extremists

P (someone who I have mixed feelings about - an intellectual with unresolved emotional issues) was in the house. To begin with we were alone together, and it seemed that we were communicating well and building trust. There was a softening in his usually serious attitude.

Later there were other shadowy figures around who were not clearly visible, but seemed to be potentially violent extremists. There was a growing sense of danger of some kind of violent outburst or event. I was unsure what connection P and these figures had. 

At one point I was approaching the house with a female friend, cautiously, warning her of the situation. The sense of there being potential danger had grown.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

A garment

I have a diaphanous white garment (that specific word is how I think of it.) It is very light but capable of covering me completely. I am holding it up, working out how to put it on. It's going to take some time and has to be done carefully. (I wonder if it is immunity?)