Sunday, 30 January 2011

Communication Conference

I was at a conference. Well, not exactly. I was conferencing. It was one that did not depend on location. You could participate anywhere. I had gone to a central location of some sort where there were rooms, screens and other facilities. It wasn't too easy to move around as I had several items of luggage and equipment with me. I might be presenting, but it was possible that my collaborator might be doing it, in which case I wouldn't be actively doing anything. I stopped in a room that was off to the side area to sort out some of the equipment. I began watching or more acurately absorbing, in several rather difuse ways, one of the early presentations. After a while I found it hard to follow. I explained to the presenter that I was leaving as I was unable to understand but I had to do it by scratching a message in the bed of some kind of shallow, silty water. I decided to move to a more central location and see if there were other delegates there. Someone was explaining that communication was in fact not at all as we thought of it. It was much more fluent but less well understood than language, and that our attempts to render it in language were always a poor translation. In fact we are communicating fluently all of the time in ways that we can't articulate. It had a lot to do with proximity and colour. The relationships between spaces and things in them and the colour of them. Orange and white, in certain proportions, could be used very effectively to communicate certain things that were demonstrated.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Dream pun

About a week ago, a fragment in which I saw a room that had no colour in it, all was in shades of white, and I wondered aloud who's it was. The answer? It's not Hugh's (hues). Why the pun?